Gateway Summer Youth Conference 2025

The Gateway Summer Youth Conference at HOD takes place from Monday 21st July – Sunday 3rd August 2024, as part of the wider Discipleship Course running from March to December 2025 in three terms.

The theme of the conference is to be confirmed later this year!



Monday 21st July – Sunday 3rdAugust 2025


  • Prayer
  • Friendship
  • Worship
  • Creativity
  • Teaching

Gateway will have a “conference” format, concentrating some of the elements of the wider Discipleship Course into a shorter time.  The program will include teaching from the community and from invited speakers.

Daily program

Each day during the two weeks will mix prayer,  fellowship, teaching, helping out, and time together with our community and the other young people – and some relaxation and fun!

We have some invited speakers on several evenings during the conference, including Jamie Price from Limitless who spoke at last year’s conference.

What did previous Gateway participants say?

‘The whole Gateway was great and I would like to
thank all the HOD people for taking care of us and putting on the programs for us. You guys
are great.’

‘Food? Amazing! Pudding? Amazing! Also prayer (quiet time, morning prayer, times of worship…) Amazing and full of Holy Spirit!

I enjoyed everything, all the activities during Gateway, it was a good mix of different things.’

‘Thank you so much for all the work and prayers that the HOD community invested in the
Gateway. I can really feel the fruits of those two weeks…’

‘I love you! Thanks for opportunity to be with you! God bless you! ❤’

Want to stay longer?

If you are able to stay for longer to experience all these things, we invite you to consider coming for a longer time on the Discipleship Course 2025 to include these two weeks – particularly if you want to experience the other events planned, including the time of Mission.  (For more details on this see the page Discipleship Course 2025).

How much?

We suggest a contribution of £300, if you are coming only for the time of this conference.

Interested?   Come follow!

If you are interested, and are between 18 and 30 years of age, please contact us for more details and an application form, by emailing