Under the Government’s Gift Aid scheme, it is now very easy for taxpayers to increase the value of their donations.
Online Giving
Your donation could be sent in online using our on line donation form. It would be helpful to us if if you could use this online form, where you can declare that you are a taxpayer and opt to add Gift Aid to your one-off or regular gift.
Posting in your donation
If you are unable to donate online you can send us your gift and add Gift Aid by filling in a Gift Aid Form and posting this with your donation.
All that you have to do is to
- print this page
- sign the form below, confirming that
- you are a UK taxpayer
- and that you would like the House of the Open Door to treat your gifts as ‘Gift Aid’ donations.
Thank you!
The House of the Open Door Charity
The House of the Open Door is U.K. registered charity 1183268
Gift Aid declaration
I would like to make all my donations to the House of the Open Door, registered charity number 1183268, to be treated as “Gift Aid” donations.
I consent to the House of the Open Door retaining my contact details. (Tick) o
I declare that I have paid income tax or capital gains tax on the gifts I make to the House of the Open Door. (Tick) o
The House of the Open Door Community,
Childswickham House, Childswickham, Broadway, Worcs., WR12 7HH