At our Friday Night Fellowship Meeting for July, we welcome two leaders of Christian communities to share with us: John Proctor and Dominic McDermott.
Both come from communities which are part of the European Network of Communities (ENC) which HOD became part of last year. Both are visiting our community this weekend in July and will share the First Friday night talk.
They will share about what the Lord is doing in their communities here in the UK, and also about the ENC and what God is doing through this network of communities across Europe.
For more information about the speakers, please see below.
Join us as we seek the Lord together – All welcome
See the Diary for Friday night speakers on other dates
John Proctor was born in 1953 in Liverpool, England, married in 1976 to Alicia with 4 sons and has 4 grandchildren in Ireland. He had a career in Financial Services as National & International Sales manager until age 50.
After becoming involved in Charismatic renewal in mid 70’s, he founded the Alabaré Christian Covenant Community in 1984 which became a Lay Association of the Faithful in Canon Law in 2000.
Now living in Salisbury in SW England, John established Alabaré Christian Care & Support supporting homeless and vulnerable adults. They support around 2500 clients a year at a cost of £8million.
Upon leaving Financial Services in 2003 John and his wife established a nursery school and now has 7 schools. He also ran a guest house for the Community which has now developed into a young persons missional Community which he supports.
John was ordained a Permanent Deacon some 29 years ago, being the youngest in the UK at that time.
Dominic McDermott, 56, lives in the UK and is a married Catholic member of two communities, one of which is a small Celtic community that he leads.
For the last fifteen years he was involved in a full-time prison ministry & before that was an ecumenical youth-worker.
He is a member of the national team and a key-intercessor for TJCII (Towards Jerusalem Council Two), an international ministry working to unite the gentile and Jewish parts of the Body of Christ.
He has been part of the ENC (European Network of Communities) Council for many years, responsible for the intercession and prophetic input and is part of their ACTs (Assisting Coaching Training seminars) team.
He lives a prophetic lifestyle and loves to teach on hearing from God. He is also an interpreter of dreams, a landscape gardener, a carpenter/locksmith with an M.Sc. in A.I. who makes swords and loves to sing!