We have a special Fellowship Meeting for April on the Second Friday, 14 May 2019. We welcome back Fiona Hendy from Karibu Nyumbani (WHMT ministries, Tanzania).
Many will know Fiona who is a former leader of our community who left in 2010 to found an orphanage at Karibu.
Karibu was founded in 2010 when Fiona and Ludmi from The House of the Open Door met Ester from Agape Community in Dar es Salaam.
Their website tells the story of how God has led them and provided for them. and how increasingly they are seeing Karibu’s vision become a reality.
Their stated mission is to
- Build a home for abandoned children and orphans in Tanzania, providing love, family and education.
- Teach young women crafts to enable them to be independent.
- Support local families in catering for the needs of their orphaned relatives.
- Give an opportunity of joining our family on a short-term basis through voluntary work.
- Offer an opportunity for others to partner with us through prayer and/or financial support
They are always looking for support and funds and we are seeking to support them all in any way we can.
Fiona will bring the story up to date on this evening with us, sharing the latest developments in their lives.
A collection will be taken for Karibu during the evening.
Please come and join us as we seek the Lord together. The evening concludes at 10pm with refreshments.
See the Calendar of Events for Friday night speakers on other dates this year.