On three Friday nights in March John Trimming from community will lead three reflections on The Gift of Grace…
+ Friday 9th March: Grace, Freely Given
+ Friday 16th March: Receiving Grace
+ Friday 23rd March: Grace Flowing Out
We will be reflecting on Luke chapters 1 and 2, reflecting on the story and the characters which show the motion of God’s grace towards us. Grace is brought near (“the Lord is with you”); is received by Mary; and flows out through her visit to Elizabeth.
We will also look at the other characters in these chapters, and onwards into the beginning of the Lord’s ministry – when the kingdom is announced as “near (“The kingdom of God has come near” Mark 1 v 15). So the flow of grace to which Mary said “yes” flows out through Jesus.
Mary the mother of the Lord has a unique place as a figure in the Bible, and in the story of Jesus. “Favoured” by God, her response is immediate, courageous and trusting; she has been called the “first disciple”.
Reflecting together on these chapters will be an opportunity to be reminded that grace is the beginning, and the basis, of everything in the Christian life. God’s grace is sufficient: we are all called to be “full of grace”, to surrender, receive, trust in, and flow with the river of grace God wants to send into our lives.