Upcoming events at the House of the Open Door Community
The Community hosts many events throughout the year, using some of the facilities in our Retreat Centre; we list those coming up in a calendar below.
Our Tithe Barn is sometimes reserved for guest groups but is at other times is an ideal event space for meetings or conferences hosted by the community such as our Friday night Fellowship meetings, or those visiting for discipleship. Smaller meetings such as craft retreats take place in our Craft Studio.
If you are visiting for one of the events it may be possible for us to cater for you in our Dining Room; during your visit you are welcome to spend any spare time in our Retreat Centre Gardens.
To subscribe to this calendar click “Subscribe” bottom right and choose your calendar type e.g. Google Calendar
We regret this event has been cancelled. Please contact us with any queries.
The Road to Freedom – Making the Word your Home
Jesus said “If you make the Word of God your home, you will come to know the truth – and the truth will set you free”.
Approaches to reflecting and meditating on the scriptures throughout the year, individually and in groups.
The sessions will be led by Tom Gorman, Ph D.
Saturday May 26 – Preparing for Pentecost.
For other “The Road to Freedom” sessions this year, see The Road to Freedom
From 10am – 4pm
Suggested contribution is £25 per person, which will include refreshments and lunch.
For booking details please contact us by email or phone – see Contact Us
At our Friday Night Fellowship Meeting for the last Friday in May, John Trimming from community will lead us in a reflection on Peter and Pentecost.
After Peter’s betrayal of the Lord during his Passion, he experienced his own emptiness. The Lord Jesus restored him in love at one of his resurrection appearances, allowing him to express love, and reaffirming his command to Peter to feed his sheep.
But what produced the boldness and wisdom in Peter that we see in Acts chapters 1 and 2? Winning thousands to Christ, and confronting those who weeks previously had crucified the Lord?
So soon after Peter’s public weakness and failure, how did the gift of the Holy Spirit (the promise of the Father) transform Peter into the “Rock” that Christ had prophesied, “strong in the strength of the Lord”?
Join us as we seek the Lord together…