Calendar of Events

Upcoming events at the House of the Open Door Community

The Community hosts many events throughout the year, using some of the facilities in our Retreat Centre; we list those coming up in a calendar below.  

Our Tithe Barn is sometimes reserved for guest groups but is at other times is an ideal event space for meetings or conferences hosted by the community such as our Friday night Fellowship meetings, or those visiting for discipleship.  Smaller meetings such as craft retreats take place in our Craft Studio.

If you are visiting for one of the events it may be possible for us to cater for you in our Dining Room; during your visit you are welcome to spend any spare time in our Retreat Centre Gardens

To subscribe to this calendar click “Subscribe” bottom right and choose your calendar type e.g. Google Calendar

Esther Price (Gateway Youth conference 2022)
Jul 27 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Esther Price will be speaking at HOD as part of HOD’s Gateway Summer Youth Conference 2022.

The Conference is on the theme “Gateway” – opening the Gates and Doors of our lives to make way for the King of Glory..  Expand your horizons – connect with God and others in new way…

We have invited Esther to speak during Gateway week 2, which focuses on Discipleship and Mission.  We are sure she will speak inspiringly in these areas due to her  passion for evangelism and life given in service of the Gospel.  Her teaching will be addressed especially those at HOD for Gateway or the wider Discipleship Course 2022, but is open to all.

More details about Esther below.

Join us in The Tithe Barn at HOD for live worship and the talk. 

See the Calendar of Events for Friday night speakers on other dates


Esther Price
God called Esther to full-time missions in her early 20’s, working with Youth With A Mission for 3 years.  However, just as she was ready to do cross cultural missions, God told her to go back to Hereford.  

After a long break away, God drew her back to missions and she went on her first trip with Blessed To Be A Blessing (BTBAB) to Peru in 2014.  She has since been on a further 8 short term mission trips, worked in various co-ordinator posts for the organisation, lived in Thailand for 4 months and became the National Director in April 2022.  

Esther is called to work with broken women, walking alongside them to see Gods healing and restoration in their lives.  

Br. Loarne Ferguson evening 2 (Gateway Youth conference 2022)
Jul 28 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Brother Loarne Ferguson will be speaking at HOD on two July evenings (26 and 28) as part of HOD’s Gateway Summer Youth Conference 2022.

The Conference is on the theme “Gateway” – opening the Gates and Doors of our lives to make way for the King of Glory..  Expand your horizons – connect with God and others in new way…

Gateway week 2 focuses on Discipleship and Mission. Brother Loarne’s teaching on these evenings will focus on these areas, and be addressed especially to those at HOD for Gateway or the wider Discipleship Course 2022.

Brother Loarne has been a long-term friend of HOD, helping the community and those we serve in a number of ways, from the spiritual to the very practical – In 2021, he led a project to build us a new Apiary, using ecological methods and recycled material (see our blog post – The Apiary at HOD).

More details about Brother Loarne below.

Join us in The Tithe Barn at HOD for live worship and the talk. 

See the Calendar of Events for Friday night speakers on other dates.


Br. Loarne Ferguson

Br. Loarne became a member of the Capuchin Franciscan Order 30 years ago. He is now 53 years old and lives at the Friary in Chester with six other religious brothers. For 14 years he has helped to form small groups dedicated to discipleship and evangelisation while holding various other posts.

Key Christian interests:

Divine change management for individuals and communities; prophetic ministry; equipping for mission; contemplative life.

Key human interests:

Creativity & culture; arts & crafts; relationships, ecology & music.

Summer Creative Arts Retreat Day
Aug 20 @ 9:45 am – 4:00 pm

One of our Seasons Creative Arts Retreat Days for 2022 Each day will start with a short seasonal reflection led by Margaret Wade. Then the rest of the day will be spent, using your own brought creative materials, as a response to the reflection. There will be plenty of time to use the craft studio, and to spend time in the beautiful courtyard and gardens.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Suggested creative art materials: Paints and Canvas; Air clay; Writing Materials; Calligraphy etc.  All are welcome

Arrival from 9.45 ready to start at 10am and the day finishes at 4pm. 


10am        Welcome and Introduction

10:20      Jesus said to his disciples, “Come and have Breakfast” (John 21:12)

10.30       My Summer Breakfast Table

10:45       Creating my Personal Idea of Summer

12.45       Sharing at the Table of Creativity

1-2pm       Lunch

2pm       Inviting the Holy Spirit to Speak to Me

2.15       (Writing/Drawing)

2.30       My Creative Response

3.30       Sharing at the Table of Creativity

3.45       Quiet Prayer and Blessing

4pm       Finish

The suggested contribution is £15 per person to include drinks and biscuits. Please bring your own packed lunch.

For booking details please contact us by email or phone – see Contact Us.

When you make a booking, you will be given information about the measures taken to ensure your safety and precautions such as social distancing, which we ask you to take during your time with us.  Please see our page Coronavirus (COVID-19) for more information.

See Seasons Creative Arts Retreat Days for other dates in 2022

Retreat Day: Hearing the Still Small Voice of God
Sep 24 @ 9:45 am – 4:00 pm

Hearing the Still Small Voice of God is an invitation to come and spend the day quietly sitting at the feet of Jesus. The day will have reflections led by Margaret Wade, as well as times of silence to reflect and be still.

The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel, Samuel”. Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening”.  1 Samuel 3:10

Please bring with you a bible, notebook and writing pens. The Art Studio will be available for use after lunch for anyone who would like to sketch or paint. Please bring your own art materials.

Administration is at 9.45am ready to start at 10am and the day finishes at 4pm. The suggested contribution is £20 per person to include drinks and biscuits. Please bring your own packed lunch.

For booking details please contact us by email or phone – see Contact Us.

When you make a booking, you will be given information about the measures taken to ensure your safety and precautions such as social distancing, which we ask you to take during your time with us.  Please see our page Coronavirus (COVID-19) for more information.

Autumn Creative Arts Retreat Day
Oct 1 @ 9:45 am – 4:00 pm

Autumn: 5th October 

One of our Seasons Creative Arts Retreat Days for 2022 Each day will start with a short seasonal reflection led by Margaret Wade. Then the rest of the day will be spent, using your own brought creative materials, as a response to the reflection. There will be plenty of time to use the craft studio, and to spend time in the beautiful courtyard and gardens.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Suggested creative art materials: Paints and Canvas; Air clay; Writing Materials; Calligraphy etc All are welcome

Arrival from 9.45 ready to start at 10am and the day finishes at 4pm.  The suggested contribution is £15 per person to include drinks and biscuits. Please bring your own packed lunch.

For booking details please contact us by email or phone – see Contact Us.

When you make a booking, you will be given information about the measures taken to ensure your safety and precautions such as social distancing, which we ask you to take during your time with us.  Please see our page Coronavirus (COVID-19) for more information.

See Seasons Creative Arts Retreat Days for other dates in 2022

First Friday for October – Community speaker
Oct 7 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
First Friday for October - Community speaker
Our First Friday Night Fellowship Meeting for October will have a speaker from the community.
Join us if you can – in the Tithe Barn at HOD for worship, the talk, prayer and fellowship – All welcome.
See the Diary for Friday night speakers on other dates: Calendar of Events
First Friday for Nov 22 – Gae Trimming, “Being prepared”
Nov 4 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Gae Trimming from community will be our First Friday Night Fellowship Meeting for November 22.
Gae will speak on “Being prepared“.
Matthew 25:13…  “Keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour…”
Join us if you can – in the Tithe Barn at HOD for worship, the talk, prayer and fellowship – All welcome.
For those who can’t come in person on the night, we often upload recordings of talks after our meetings to our YouTube channel.  For certain evenings we hope at some point to livestream speakers’ talks on the YouTube channel, if appropriate.
See the Diary for Friday night speakers on other dates: Calendar of Events
First Friday for December – Community speaker
Dec 2 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
First Friday for December - Community speaker
Our First Friday Night Fellowship Meeting for December will have a speaker from the community.
Join us if you can – in the Tithe Barn at HOD for worship, the talk, prayer and fellowship – All welcome.
See the Diary for Friday night speakers on other dates: Calendar of Events
Quiet Day for Advent – “Faith for today and Hope for tomorrow”
Dec 3 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

“Faith for today and Hope for tomorrow”

This quiet day for Advent will be led by community and will be a time of waiting on God in reflection and prayer.  In expectation and hope we will focus on the Hope of his coming, drawing Strength from the promises in his Word that He will not fail us.

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see…”
Hebrews 11 v 1

Suggested donation of £20, including drinks and biscuits.

Please bring your own packed lunch

To book a place, please contact us by phone or email.

Christmas Open Day 2022
Dec 18 @ 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm


For those nearby who can make it…

The House of the Open Door community invites you to a 

Christmas Open Day

On Sunday 18th December 2022
Between 2 and 5pm 


Come and enjoy a glass of wine and a mince pie!  

We look forward to seeing you – Directions

Please Contact us to let us know if you are coming, or if you require further details


Still Small Voice day Jan 2023
Jan 21 @ 9:45 am – 4:00 pm


One of our Still Small Voice Days for 2023…

…an invitation to come and spend the day quietly sitting at the feet of Jesus.

The day will have reflections, led by Margaret, as well as times of silence. 

The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times,
 “Samuel, Samuel”.

Then Samuel said, 
“Speak for your servant is listening”.

1 Samuel 3:10

There will be the opportunity to use the Craft Studio for creative silence (optional – please bring your own creative materials).  

All are welcome – come and enjoy the day surrounded by our beautiful Retreat Centre and Gardens.

Administration is at 9.45 ready to start at 10am and the day finishes at 4pm.  The suggested contribution is £20 per person to include drinks and biscuits. Please bring your own packed lunch.

For booking details please contact us by email or phone – see Contact Us.

When you make a booking, you will be given information about the measures taken to ensure your safety and precautions such as social distancing, which we ask you to take during your time with us.  Please see our page Coronavirus (COVID-19) for more information.

See Still Small Voice Days for other dates in 2023


DC 2023 Spring Term Begins
Feb 1 all-day

This date is the beginning of our Spring term for the Discipleship Course 2023

In 2023 the Discipleship Course runs from February to December in three terms, and includes our summer conference, Gateway:

For more details see Discipleship Course 2023

First Friday for February – Community speaker
Feb 3 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
First Friday for February - Community speaker
Our First Friday Night Fellowship Meeting for February will have a speaker from the community.
Join us if you can – in the Tithe Barn at HOD for worship, the talk, prayer and fellowship – All welcome.
See the Diary for Friday night speakers on other dates: Calendar of Events
Winter Creative Retreat Day 2023
Feb 14 @ 9:45 am – 4:00 pm


One of our Seasons Creative Retreat Days for 2023…

Each day will start with a short seasonal reflection led by Margaret Wade. Then the rest of the day will be spent, using your own brought creative materials, as a response to the reflection.

There will be plenty of time to use the craft studio, and to spend time in the beautiful courtyard and gardens.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

All are welcome: beginners, experienced and the curious!

Suggested creative art materials: paints, canvas; air clay; writing materials; calligraphy etc.

For booking details please contact us by email or phone – see Contact Us.

When you make a booking, you will be given information about the measures taken to ensure your safety and precautions such as social distancing, which we ask you to take during your time with us.  Please see our page Coronavirus (COVID-19) for more information.

See Seasons Creative Retreat Days for other dates in 2023

Quiet Day for Lent: “Finding Joy in the Wilderness”
Mar 4 @ 10:00 am – 4:30 pm

Join us for a quiet day of reflection for Lent.

This quiet day for Lent will be led by community members, as a a time of waiting on God in reflection and prayer. 

We will reflect together on the theme “Finding Joy in the Wilderness”

The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus; it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing.
Isaiah 35:1-10

Through prayer, reflection on Scripture and silence during the day, we will seek to enter into this time of preparation for the Passion and Death of the Lord Jesus.

Suggested donation of £20, including drinks and biscuits.

Please bring your own packed lunch

To book a place, please contact us by phone or email.

Friday Fellowship meeting for March – Alysen Merrill, “The call to love in communities of faith”
Mar 10 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Our Friday Night Fellowship Meeting for March 2023 will be on the second Friday of the month, March 10th.
Our guest speaker will be Alysen Merrill (more about Alysen below)
Alysen will speak on “The call to love in communities of faith“, from Philippians 2.

“If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind…”
Philippians 2:1-2

Join us if you can – in the Tithe Barn at HOD for worship, the talk, prayer and fellowship – All welcome.
For those who can’t come in person on the night, we sometimes upload recordings of talks after our meetings to our YouTube channel.  
See the Diary for Friday night speakers on other dates: Calendar of Events

Alysen Merrill is passionate about people, the local church, discipleship journeys, organisational culture and really good curries!  She was born in the states and would say it’s been her privilege to live and serve in England the last 18 years, currently being based in Oxfordshire. She desires to be an encouragement to friends and strangers alike and likes to help individuals be attentive to God.

She has worked with numerous churches in England and currently works for a youth charity as well as helping people and teams flourish in her role as a Strengthsfinder coach.

Dr Chloe Lynch – HOD Friday Fellowship meeting for April
Apr 14 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Our Friday Night Fellowship Meeting for April 2023 will be on April 14th, the second Friday of the month.

Dr Chloe Lynch

Dr Chloe Lynch will be our speaker.

Chloe is Lecturer in Practical Theology at London School of Theology.  After practising as a City lawyer, Chloe spent ten years working in church leadership.  Now, alongside her teaching and writing work, she mentors leaders and offers spiritual direction to those who want to grow in prayer.  Her book, Ecclesial Leadership as Friendship, was published by Routledge in 2019 and she blogs very occasionally at
Join us if you can – in the Tithe Barn at HOD for worship, the talk, prayer and fellowship – All welcome.
For those who can’t come in person on the night, we sometimes upload recordings of talks after our meetings to our YouTube channel.  
See the Diary for Friday night speakers on other dates: Calendar of Events

The art of steering blog




Spring Creative Retreat Day 2023
May 9 @ 9:45 am – 4:00 pm

One of our Seasons Creative Retreat Days for 2023…

Each day will start with a short seasonal reflection led by Margaret Wade. Then the rest of the day will be spent, using your own brought creative materials, as a response to the reflection.

There will be plenty of time to use the craft studio, and to spend time in the beautiful courtyard and gardens.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

All are welcome: beginners, experienced and the curious!

Suggested creative art materials: paints, canvas; air clay; writing materials; calligraphy etc.

For booking details please contact us by email or phone – see Contact Us.

When you make a booking, you will be given information about the measures taken to ensure your safety and precautions such as social distancing, which we ask you to take during your time with us.  Please see our page Coronavirus (COVID-19) for more information.

See Seasons Creative Retreat Days for other dates in 2023

Fr Columba Jordan CFR – HOD Friday Fellowship meeting for May
May 12 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Our Friday Night Fellowship Meeting for May 2023 will be on the second Friday of the month, May 12th.

Fr Columba Jordan CFR

Our guest speaker will be Fr Columba Jordan CFR.

Fr Columba is a well known and inspiring writer, blogger and conference speaker, often speaking on prayer, healing, evangelism and service of the poor.
He is a member of the Franciscans Friars of the Renewal since 2001. He was ordained in 2011 in New York and then was stationed in Derry Northern Ireland as the superior of the friar’s house there. He now lives in Bradford England at St Pio Friary where he is the rector of St Patrick’s church, the friar’s European vocation director, serves the local poor, does spiritual direction and a lot of preaching.
Fr Columba has also been providing weekly video teachings to Called To More, an online Catholic formation ministry for young adults on YouTube. 
Join us if you can – in the Tithe Barn at HOD for worship, the talk, prayer and fellowship – All welcome.
For those who can’t come in person on the night, we sometimes upload recordings of talks after our meetings to our YouTube channel.  
See the Diary for Friday night speakers on other dates: Calendar of Events



HOD Retreat: “Narnia, Middle-Earth and the Way of Life” with Andy Swinford
May 19 @ 6:00 pm – May 21 @ 2:00 pm

‘Under cloud and under star’
(The Hobbit)

‘A voice cries out: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God”’
(Isaiah 40.3)

Friday 19th May – Sunday 21st May 2023

The House of the Open Door community offers a retreat on the theme “Narnia, Middle-Earth and the Way of Life”

The retreat leader will be our longstanding friend Andy Swinford.

Andy writes: 

Come and explore with us on this retreat the theme of Journeying through the life God has given us, drawing inspiration from the Bible and from the stories of C S Lewis and J R R Tolkien (no prior knowledge needed!). We shall look at such themes as leave-taking and home-coming, pilgrimage, companions upon the way, the great grace that sustains us, God’s loving protection, our resting places, risky living and probably much more.

It will be a time for drawing close to God, and receiving his grace-filled refreshment and rest, with plenty of opportunity for encountering God anew, both indoors and outside in the beautiful gardens and countryside surrounding The House of the Open Door. There will be time to listen and pray, and just to Be as we are refreshed by his Spirit and delight in God, enjoying his guiding light.

Suggested donation £200

Please Contact Us for more details, or to book.


Andy Swinford

Andy has frequently given multimedia presentations and lead retreats on C S Lewis. He has also written scripts for tours of places in Britain connected to Tolkien for Authatrails. He gave a presentation for the Three Shires Festival last year on links between these two authors and their love of the natural world.

Now retired, he taught English in secondary school for 25 years in Birmingham. Walking in the countryside and beekeeping are among his chief pleasures. He is currently writing a book on Joy in the fiction of C S Lewis.

He is a longstanding friend of The House of the Open Door, and has spoken before at our Friday Night Fellowship Meetings




DC 2023 Summer Term Begins
Jun 1 all-day

This date is the beginning of our Spring term for the Discipleship Course 2023

In 2023 the Discipleship Course runs from February to December in three terms, and includes our summer conference, Gateway:

For more details see Discipleship Course 2023

Matt Blair – HOD Friday Fellowship meeting for June
Jun 9 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Matt Blair from Gas Street Church in Birmingham will be our Friday Night Fellowship Meeting speaker for June 2023, on the second Friday of the month, June 9th.  Matt will speak to us on The Cross.

Matt is Operations Coordinator (GS South) and Associate Student Pastor for Gas Street Church in Birmingham, which describes itself as “compelled by a Jesus-centred vision to be ‘Light for the City’”.

Matt hails originally from San Francisco, California and is the Operations Coordinator (GS South) and Associate Student Pastor for Gas Street. His assignment since joining Gas Street has been to build up the new Gas Street South location. Since January 2023, he has been working in the Student ministry and now looks after that alongside his Operations role. 

Matt has over a decade of experience as a Worship Director and Worship Pastor and over two decades of experience working as a professional actor on stage and screen working alongside household names like Judi Dench and Matt Damon.

His passion is to see people radically transformed by the Holy Spirit and live lives wholly seeking the Lord and His Kingdom. He resides in Birmingham with his wife of 17 years and their two amazing children.

Join us if you can – in the Tithe Barn at HOD for worship, the talk, prayer and fellowship – All welcome.
For those who can’t come in person on the night, we sometimes upload recordings of talks after our meetings to our YouTube channel.  
See the Diary for Friday night speakers on other dates: Calendar of Events



Summer Creative Retreat Day 2023
Jul 4 @ 9:45 am – 4:00 pm

One of our Seasons Creative Retreat Days for 2023…

Each day will start with a short seasonal reflection led by Margaret Wade. Then the rest of the day will be spent, using your own brought creative materials, as a response to the reflection.

There will be plenty of time to use the craft studio, and to spend time in the beautiful courtyard and gardens.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

All are welcome: beginners, experienced and the curious!

Suggested creative art materials: paints, canvas; air clay; writing materials; calligraphy etc.

For booking details please contact us by email or phone – see Contact Us.

When you make a booking, you will be given information about the measures taken to ensure your safety and precautions such as social distancing, which we ask you to take during your time with us.  Please see our page Coronavirus (COVID-19) for more information.

See Seasons Creative Retreat Days for other dates in 2023

Gateway Youth Summer Conference 2023 – 24th July to 6th August
Jul 24 – Aug 6 all-day

Our two-week Gateway Youth Summer Conference at HOD takes place from 24th July to 6th August 2023, as part of the wider Discipleship Course running from February to December 2023. 

The Conference is title is “Gateway” – opening the Gates and Doors of our lives to make way for the King of Glory.  Expand your horizons – connect with God and others in new ways…

 Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to,
you would ask me, and I would give you living water.”

(John 4:10)

For more see Gateway Youth Summer Conference 2023

Jamie Price – speaker for Gateway 2023
Jul 26 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Jamie Price from Elim Limitless will be our speaker on 26th July, as part of our Gateway Summer Youth Conference 2023.

Jamie is the Director of Ministries for Limitless (Elim’s National Youth and Children’s ministry) and on the Limitless Pioneers team, helping churches with no youth ministries, start new youth ministries. He lives in Birmingham with his wife Debs and sons Jude and Ezekiel. In his spare time, he loves to run and read.

Join us if you can – 8pm in the Tithe Barn at HOD for worship, the talk, prayer and fellowship – All welcome.
For those who can’t come in person on the night, we sometimes upload recordings of talks after our meetings to our YouTube channel.  
See the Diary for Friday night speakers on other dates: Calendar of Events
Allegra Mutanda – speaker for Gateway 2023
Jul 27 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Allegra Mutanda will be our speaker on 27th July, as part of our Gateway Summer Youth Conference 2023.

Allegra is a lay woman in full time ministry in the Catholic Church. She is originally from the DR Congo and a native French speaker but has been living in the UK since 1995. 

Allegra has extensive experience both in evangelisation and parish ministry having been involved in evangelisation since 2005. For 12 years, she was part of Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism whose charism is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Her primary work there was in parish renewal and missions and in that time, worked with over a hundred Catholic parishes across the UK. 

Since 2020, Allegra has been working for the Parish of St Peter and the Winchester Martyrs as their Director of Evangelisation and Leadership where she is helping the parish fulfil its vision of bringing people closer to Jesus Christ in hope and joy.  

Allegra is passionate about evangelisation and helping people go deeper in their relationship with Jesus. She says, ‘my own faith grew and developed with the help of so many people along the way and still does. If I can play even a small part in another’s journey of faith, helping them fall in love with Jesus, grow closer to Him, and in their turn, start helping others along that road, then I am responding to my baptismal call’.

Join us if you can – 8pm in the Tithe Barn at HOD for worship, the talk, prayer and fellowship – All welcome.
For those who can’t come in person on the night, we sometimes upload recordings of talks after our meetings to our YouTube channel.  
See the Diary for Friday night speakers on other dates: Calendar of Events
DC 2023 Autumn Term Begins
Oct 1 all-day

This date is the beginning of our Spring term for the Discipleship Course 2023

In 2023 the Discipleship Course runs from February to December in three terms, and includes our summer conference, Gateway:

For more details see Discipleship Course 2023

“Grace and Strength” Ladies’ Fitness and Faith Day
Oct 7 @ 9:15 am – 4:45 pm

The House of the Open Door community offers a ladies’ Fitness and Faith Day on the theme “Grace and Strength”.

The day will be hosted by a team led by community member Ibi Gyorgy. Ibi is a qualified fitness instructor and personal trainer. 

Ladies, come and join us for a day of Fitness, Faith, Food and Fun!

  • Fitness: Ibi will be leading a program including classes for stretching, Gentle Pilates, Dancemix workout, and Ab blast workout. All fitness classes are optional and will aim to suit all abilities.
  • Other elements of the day will explore…
  • Faith: the relationship between Fitness and Faith
  • Food: the role of food and nutrition in our lives
  • Fun: time to unwind in fellowship with others!

‘My dear son, be patient, because the weaknesses of the body are given to us in this world by God for the salvation of the soul. So they are of great merit when they are borne patiently.
St. Francis of Assisi, The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi

There will be spare time during the day to enjoy our beautiful Retreat Centre and Gardens.  Refreshments will be provided.

Here you can find a detailed programme. The poster is here.

Recommended donation for the day is £35 including all classes and refreshments. Please, bring your own lunch.

Please Contact Us to book in for the day, or to stay in our Retreat Centre.

Ibi Gyorgy

Friday night meeting – Yoofi Clarke
Nov 3 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Yoofi ClarkeOn Friday November 3 2023 our Friday Night Fellowship Meeting speaker will be Yoofi Clarke.  Yoofi coordinates Praise Fest, a Catholic Charismatic Renewal prayer group in Milton Keynes, and is a member of the Charis service team (CDSC) for the diocese of Northampton.

Last time Yoofi spoke for our fellowship meeting he joined us remotely for an online meeting in 2021, so it will be a joy to welcome Yoofi in person this time.

Our fellowship meeting will be in the Tithe Barn at HOD for those who live locally.  All welcome.

(We sometimes post recordings of our Friday night speakers afterwards on our YouTube channel).

See the Calendar of Events for Friday night speakers on other dates.


Yoofi Clarke serves the Lord as Coordinator of Praise Fest, a vibrant Catholic Charismatic Renewal prayer group in the cluster of St. Barnabas parishes in Milton Keynes.
He served as a member of the Diocesan Service Team for Northampton Diocese for over five years and was recently appointed as the Coordinator of the new Charismatic Diocesan Service of Communion for Northampton.
Yoofi has been involved in Catholic Charismatic Renewal for over 27 years and desires to see unity in the Body of Christ, and for us to live our faith outside the walls of the church building by developing a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit and being attentive to His voice in our daily activities.
He lives in Buckingham with his lovely wife Pep and their 2 amazing children.

Tree Planting Event at Childswickham House – Volunteers needed
Nov 18 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Volunteers needed for a Tree Planting Event as part of an ecological project. 

Plant Hope!  All welcome.

Saturday 18th November 2023, 10am-4pm

We have 420 trees of 7 different types to plant on our land as part of an ecological project – hazel, blackthorn, crab apple, elder, dog rose, and rowan.

How you can help…

We are looking for energetic volunteers please to come and join us planting them out!

If you can’t come, but still want to help, we are collecting 2 and 3 litre plastic bottles and bamboo canes to use as guards and support for the young trees – please drop off with us (see address below) on Tuesdays to Saturdays inclusive, between 9:00 and 5:00 pm.

Join us…

If you can join us, gather for the planting time at:
The House of the Open Door, Childswickham House, Worcs. WR12 7HH (Map)

For more information or to book as a volunteer, please Contact (Silvie)  – by email or by phone 01386 852 084

We are asking volunteers to please

  • wear suitable clothes
  • bring a trowel and/or a spade, and gloves

Food will be provided at lunchtime.


PS  If you can’t come and want to pass on details, please pass on this web page or the attached poster
Tree-Planting-Event Poster