Calendar of Events

Upcoming events at the House of the Open Door Community

The Community hosts many events throughout the year, using some of the facilities in our Retreat Centre; we list those coming up in a calendar below.  

Our Tithe Barn is sometimes reserved for guest groups but is at other times is an ideal event space for meetings or conferences hosted by the community such as our Friday night Fellowship meetings, or those visiting for discipleship.  Smaller meetings such as craft retreats take place in our Craft Studio.

If you are visiting for one of the events it may be possible for us to cater for you in our Dining Room; during your visit you are welcome to spend any spare time in our Retreat Centre Gardens

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Advent Retreat Day – “Come let us return”
Nov 30 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
  • “Come let us Return unto the Lord” (Hosea 6 v 1)

A day of guided prayer and reflection in beautiful surroundings, with reflections led by community members.

In between the times together, there will be time to pray and reflect in our beautiful  Chapel and peaceful Retreat Centre Gardens.

Join us as we seek to return to the Lord this Advent.  

We suggest a donation for the day of £15, including refreshments.

Please bring your own packed lunch.

To book a place, please contact us by phone or email.