Our community regularly hosts Friday night Fellowship meetings for prayer and praise, teaching and fellowship (over coffee!) on pre-published dates throughout the year. Often on the first Friday of the month, they offer our local friends and visitors a time of fellowship together with the Community.
Our “fellowship” is an informal group of local friends of and supporters of community, and local Christians who join us when they can for fellowship, worship, teaching and ministry. The fellowship’s meetings are an opportunity for them to spend the evening joining Community and any Discipleship visitors we have.
Dates for the Friday meetings are published before hand in our Calendar of events, and often fall on the first Friday of the month (excepting January).
Usually held in the Tithe Barn at HOD, each evening starts at 7.30pm and generally finishes around 9.30pm – during which time there is a time of praise and worship followed by a teaching, either by a community member or an invited speaker.
The evening is rounded off with refreshments including tea/coffee and biscuits after the fellowship.
Community members are pleased to welcome guests to these evenings and we try to be available after the meeting for further ministry.
Join us as we praise and seek the Lord together!
Stay in touch
We often upload recordings of talks after our meetings to our YouTube channel. For certain evenings we hope at some point to livestream speakers’ talks on the YouTube channel, if appropriate.
For details of Friday night speakers coming up please see the Calendar of Events page, or follow us on Social Media (see links to the right on this page).