Men’s Ministry

How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to sit down together in unity.
(Ps. 133:1)

Men’s Breakfasts

We have been holding Men’s Days at HOD for many years. In the past, friends came two or three times a year from a fifty-mile radius. One or two also came regularly to our Friday Night Fellowship Meetings with their wives and families, and stayed over. But while the full-day meetings were great, they weren’t ideal for the family men in HOD. So (for most of the times we meet) we changed the format to Men’s Breakfasts rather than Men’s Days.

 The Men’s Breakfast programme is simple. After we’ve eaten, we go to the Chapel or Tithe Barn for a time of praise and worship. We pray for each other and for specific needs that we know of, and end with intercession for people or issues that the Lord puts on our hearts. When we end, those men who want to are welcome to stay longer to relax or pray.

Please Contact Us if you are interested in these mornings.

Men’s Days

On certain days through the year (see dates below) the men’s Breakfast is followed by a Men’s Day, which begins with tea/coffee at 10.  Lunch is included (contributions toward the cost are invited if you can manage), and the day finishes with drinks around 4pm.


Dates of Men’s Days coming up (for other events please see the Events page):