As a charismatic community the essence of our spirituality is to live day by day, leaning on the Lord and listening for his direction.
The vision he has given us is to be ecumenical, and over the years He has formed us through a diversity of Christian sources:
- Roman Catholic Charismatic Renewal introduced many of us to baptism in the Holy Spirit as a new life-changing dimension in faith.
- The Community of Celebration and the Fisherfolk (their music group) gave a picture of what community life could be like and lots of wonderful songs to help us worship this great God of ours.
- Monasticism, with its pulsating rhythm of prayer, affected us through regular visits to Nashdom, a local Anglican Benedictine Monastery, and to the Convent of St John Baptist, in Windsor, and our contact with the Bernardines in Slough. This stamped on us the need for regular communal and private prayer times, and the value of tradition (even basic ones like curry on Mondays!).
- Many of us are Roman Catholic so our faith is grounded on the rhythm of the liturgical year and tradition of teaching of the Catholic Church. The example of saints such as John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux and St Francis of Assisi have all played their part.
- Charles de Foucauld’s Order-The Little Brothers and Sisters of Jesus-impressed us with their simplicity of lifestyle and reliance on the Father’s provision for their needs.
- The Evangelical Sisters of Mary, a German Lutheran order, confirmed the notion that unrepented sin in a body affects our material well being. They, amongst others, also taught us about fighting the devil by proclaiming Jesus’ victory over all situations.
- The Pentecostals that we got to know were a major influence on both our communal and private prayer, as they were very strong in using the gift of prophecy, words of knowledge, and freedom of worship.
- Different revivals, both past and present have inspired us to want more of the Holy Spirit and to see souls flood into the Kingdom of Heaven.
“My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations”
(Isaiah 56:7)