Gateway Summer Youth Conference 2022

The Gateway Summer Youth Conference at HOD takes place from 18th July to 31st July 2022, as part of the wider Discipleship Course running from 21st March – 31st August. 

The Conference is on the theme “Gateway”…. Expand your horizons – connect with God and others in new ways…

Open wide the Gates of your life to the King of Glory, to Jesus who is the Door!   

Let Jesus be your Shepherd on the Way, bringing you fullness of Life!

I am the door of the sheep.  if any one enters by me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. (John 10:7)


Lift up your heads, you gates;
be lifted up, you ancient doors:
that the King of glory may come in.
(Psalm 24:7)


18th July to 31st July 2022


  • Prayer 
  • Friendship
  • Worship
  • Creativity
  • Teaching

For more see the page on the Discipleship Course 2022.

The intention is that these two weeks of Gateway 2022 will have more of a “conference” format, concentrating some of the elements of the wider course into a shorter time for those who can’t stay for longer.  There will be a more concentrated program of teaching, including invited speakers. 

Daily program

Each day during the two weeks will mix prayer,  fellowship, teaching, helping out, and time together with our community and the other young people – and some relaxation and fun!

We have some invited speakers on several evenings – for more details see the dates between 18 and 31 July in our Calendar of Events.

Want to stay longer?

If you are able to stay for longer to experience all these things, we invite you to consider coming for a longer time on the Discipleship Course 2022, to include these two weeks – particularly if you want to experience the other events planned, including the time of Mission.

How much?

We suggest a contribution of £200, if you are coming only for the time of this conference.  

Interested?   Come follow!

If you are interested, and are between 18 and 30 years of age, please contact us for more details and an application form, by emailing

If you know anyone else interested, please also share this page with them or forward this printable PDF:
