Registrations for our Gateway summer youth conference 2025 are now open!
Email us for an application form at:
Registrations for our Gateway summer youth conference 2025 are now open!
Email us for an application form at:
At the conclusion of Christian Unity week. We thank you Lord for the preciousness of moments together with all our brothers and sisters from the local churches! Thank you Lord.
Do you believe this?” She said to him, “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one coming into the world”. John 11.27
Some pictures of how God used us to spread the gospel 2024…wishing you all a blessed new year!
We would like to share some photos from our Supporters’ Day 2023. We presented these to update our supporters about our activities in several areas last year more…
Notes on the Apostolic Letter “The Sunday of the Word of God” (Aperuit Illis) by Pope Francis
Tom Gorman from Community writes about the Sunday of the Word of God which Catholics celebrate on the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, which in 2023 is Sunday 22nd January (today). Tom’s notes draw out how much the Catholic Church has recently been renewing its ancient call for Catholics to live by God’s word in the scriptures. Our community is ecumenical and our members contribute from the riches of their own denominational setting; we hope Tom’s notes are an encouragement to friends from all traditions.
The Pope opens the Letter by saying that the relationship between the Risen Lord, the community of believers and sacred Scripture is essential to our identity as Christians. Without the Lord who opens our minds to them, it is impossible to understand the Scriptures in depth. Yet the contrary is equally true: without the Scriptures, the events of the mission of Jesus and his Church in this world would remain incomprehensible. Hence St Jerome could rightly claim: “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ”.
The Pope first proposed the Sunday of the Word of God at the end of the Jubilee of Mercy. He wanted to set aside a Sunday given over entirely to the Word of God, so as to appreciate the inexhaustible riches contained in that constant dialogue between the Lord and his people.
The Second Vatican council gave great impetus to the rediscovery of the Word of God ……. It is fitting then that the life of our people should be constantly marked by this decisive relationship with the living word that the Lord never tires of speaking to his bride that she may grow in love and faithful witness. more…
We have sent out our Charity Newsletter for 2022, and posted it to this website here: Charity Newsletter December 2022
The newsletter begins with some personal reflections, then updates from some areas of our work and ministry, followed by dates in the diary for 2023, and a reminder of ways you can help if you are in a position to.
Please enjoy the newsletter – we pray that you are blessed by how God has been leading us over the last year. Please also share it with anyone who you think may be interested in coming to our Retreat Centre or to any of the events we have planned for 2023, including our Discipleship Course 2023 or Gateway Summer Youth Conference 2023
Thanks and God bless
By Andy Swinford, Sept 2022
The HOD bees have been most prolific since they took up residence in the shiny new palace built for them by Brother Loarne and the team on a corner of the plot across the stream. So far this year we have taken 70kg of honey!
To our dismay one hive turned rather aggressive over the summer and several people received stings. The only way to sort this is to replace the queen. This is because it’s the queen that sets the temperament of the whole hive. I’m glad to report the colony has accepted its new monarch – here she is looking very healthy and charging about the hive like nobody’s business. If you think she’s wearing a gold crown, that’s the splodge of yellow paint recognised for designating queens reared in 2022. I’d like to point out I took 14 stings to my right hand in pursuit of this photograph. How I suffer for my art.
This reminds me of our own Queen Elizabeth II who throughout her marvellous reign provided much of the flavour of her kingdom. more…
Friends, we have created or first playlist on our YouTube channel –DC 2022 playlist.
It’s for talks given so far on our Discipleship Course 2022. More talks will be added during our Gateway Summer Youth Conference 2022 over the next two weeks, including future evenings with Daniella Stephens, Pippa Baker, Ester Price and Brother Loarne Ferguson OFM Cap…. for more details of these evenings (live in the Tithe Barn at HOD) see the Calendar of Events.
Talks so far include a talk on the Holy Spirit by Chiara Pelazza, and four teachings on the Creed and some reflections on the Our Father by John Trimming.
Please pray for us as we gather for Gateway 18th – 31st July.
Preparations are nearing completion for the Gateway Summer Youth Conference 2022!
We will be welcoming young adults (18 – 30 years of age) from 18th to 31st July, as part of the wider Discipleship Course running from 21st March – 31st August. The two weeks of Gateway are like a mini-version of the discipleship course, but with a more concentrated program of teaching, including invited speakers.
A number of young people have booked in, but there is still space! Join us for these two weeks of prayer, fellowship, teaching, service, experiencing community life – and some relaxation and fun…
Invited Speakers
more…This is a personal reflection in response to the war in Ukraine, written by Silvie who is from the Czech Republic. The photos are Silvie’s, taken during a visit to the Ukraine in 2011.
Tonight, I can’t go to sleep. I wouldn’t be able to. A maternity hospital in Mariupol was bombed. I saw pictures of people and children who were being taken out after the bombing. A young boy was saying: ‘I am sad for my mum.’ And many more pictures of people deprived of everything, people fleeing, people wounded, people dying, and people crying. And I can’t stop crying myself. After two weeks of war, it looks as if there were absolutely no boundaries for this evil. All the suffering and killing that have happened so far haven’t been enough for someone to stop this war. It seems as if all justice was gone from the earth. It almost seems as if God didn’t exist or didn’t care. Almost. But I know the opposite is true. I know Jesus Crucified; I know Jesus my Beloved.